Getting Your Data Out of Your Center Management Software


When you use a traffic management system for your student or academic center, you want to be assured that the data you store belongs to you. Just as you need to import data on demand, you should be able to export it as well. In this week’s Accudemia Tech Talk, Senior Support Specialist Nick Armstrong showed how easy it is for Accudemia users to export the data they need, when they need it.

Choosing an Export
There are many different types of data that can be exported from Accudemia. Some of this data is information that may have been imported from another system, and some of it is a result of activity in Accudemia.

  • All Users: This export lists all users in the system, including useful information about them such as their email, address, and phone number.
  • Students: This is a similar export to All Users, but it only includes users who have the Student role.
  • Tutors: Again, this export shows only users with the Tutor role, along with all accompanying information about that user that has been entered or imported into Accudemia.
  • Instructors: Shows all Instructors in the system, including detailed information about them.
  • Classes: This export lists all classes in the system, including individual sections.
  • Subject Areas: This expost shows all subject areas in the system, which usually includes the courses or departments, depending on the way they’ve been imported. Generally since this information was imported directly from the SIS, it will be identical to what’s in that database.
  • Session Logs: Lists all session logs that have been registered in the past, including the details for each one of them. The data here will be similar to what you can pull from several reports, but it will be more raw and unfiltered.
  • All Appointments: This lists all appointments that have been made in your Accudemia system in both the past and those that have been scheduled for future dates.

Running Exports

There are two options for running exports: one-time or scheduled.

  • One Time Export: If you just need to run an export on an as-needed basis, you can do this directly in Accudemia. Go to Administration > Advanced > Export, select the export you want, and then click the green Download button to download the file. If the export will take awhile because of a large amount of data, you can leave the screen while the export is processing and have a notification emailed to you once it is complete, with a link to download the file.
  • Scheduled Export: If you’ll need to schedule an export to run on a regular schedule, you’ll do this using the ADX tool, which is the Accudemia import utility. Although it’s typically used for scheduling imports, it works for exports too! Go to Administration > Advanced > Import to download ADX, and once you’ve installed and opened the program, click, New Export Job to bring up the Export Wizard. Select the export you want to schedule, select the file name, frequency, and time it should run. To ensure that the job is set up and running properly, check the Windows Task Scheduler.

If you ever find yourself in need of data from your Accudemia account, we hope this article has helped you determine the best way to export it. If you aren’t yet an Accudemia user, we hope that we’ve shown you how easy it is to export this data. You need to be able to trust that your traffic management system gives you access to the information you need, and when you’re an Accudemia user, there’s no need to worry!

Join us next time!
Engineerica Systems is pleased to present our Tech Tip segment recap for the Accudemia session on 2/22/2022. Held Tuesdays at 1 pm EST (weekly during the academic year, and monthly during the summer), Accudemia clients can join a session to learn about a quick, useful topic from one of our Support Specialists. Each week, we’ll follow up Tech Tip Tuesday with a blog recapping that week’s topic. Check the page about our Monthly Accudemia Session to find out more about our next session and for more ideas about helping our students achieve success!

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