One Solution, Many Locations with Monmouth University


Emily Vandenakker and Dorothy Cleary from Monmouth University were our guest speakers for our Accudemia User Spotlight segment this week. Monmouth has been a user of Accudemia for several years, with many centers utilizing the system. Click here to watch their full talk, or read on to get a glimpse of how this legacy user utilizes our unique and comprehensive center management system!

A Solution for Many Locations
Monmouth uses Accudemia in many locations across the university, and each center uses it a little bit differently. Some use it just to track student sign-ins and outs, some use the Appointments module, and some use many different features such as waiting lines or virtual meeting integration with Zoom.

A Worthy Replacement
For this discussion, the focus was on the Tutoring Center, for which Dorothy is the Director. Dorothy and much of the university have been using Accudemia since 2015 after they determined a need to replace another program that was not working as smoothly as they needed. The Tutoring Center has Peer Tutors who work both in-person and remotely with students, and have had great success with the Zoom integration, which has made virtual tracking very easy.

Dorothy and her students make great use of the Appointment module for capturing both course tutoring and other types of tutoring and support, such as assistance for Praxis tests and meetings with Academic Coaches. They also utilize the reports such as Attendance by Subject Area and Attendance Summary Comparison reports to see the data across different semesters. Not only does this give them the data they need to plan out their terms, but it is wildly impressive to Dorothy’s bosses and the faculty whose students use the center! Dorothy says the data shows them consistent trends and areas of need, enabling them to more easily plan their schedule and use their resources wisely.

Thank you to Dorothy and Emily for being our guests this week! Again, you can watch their full discussion here.

Join us next time
Engineerica Systems is pleased to present our Accudemia User Spotlight segment recap for 2/22/2022. Held Tuesdays at 1 pm EST (weekly during the academic year, and monthly during the summer), Accudemia clients can join a session to learn about a quick, useful topic from one of our Support Specialists.  We hope that these examples help you to ponder how you might utilize Accudemia and other innovations in your own center. Check the page about our Monthly Accudemia Session to find out more about our next session and for more ideas about helping our students achieve success!

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