O365 Integration with Accudemia



Software Specialist Jorge Rodriguez was particularly excited about the new feature he got to show off in this week’s session, and we can see why! Our developers are about to release the ability for tutors and staff using institutional Accudemia accounts to connect to their Outlook 365 calendars, creating a much more seamless experience for managing your schedule both in and out of Accudemia.

Here’s some important information to know about this excellent new feature:

  • You will need a Pro account with Microsoft in order to use this integration. Check with your institution’s IT if you’re not sure if that applies to you.
  • Due to the complexity of supporting this feature, it is available to Institutional accounts only. Check with your Accudemia rep if you’re not sure if that applies to you, or if you’d like to upgrade your account!
  • The feature is still a few days away from release, but once it’s ready, Tutors and Administrators can access it by clicking on their name and profile picture on the top right corner of Accudemia, then clicking, “Connect to Outlook 365.”
  • Once you’ve connected, you’ll be asked which calendar you want to connect to. You can choose from any of your available calendars.

So what does this feature do? When a student makes an appointment with you or one of your staff members with a connected calendar, it will show up automatically in both Accudemia and your own calendar. Even better, if any changes are made to the appointment on either calendar, such as a time change, it will sync with the other calendar immediately. AND if a tutor or staff member needs to enter off time, if their calendar is synced, they’ll no longer need to log into Accudemia to mark that time. They can just mark it as busy or off time on their own Outlook calendar, and Accudemia will immediately take it off their availability for that day and time period.

If you’re an administrator for your center and in Accudemia, you control who can connect their calendar and when. For example, if a tutor leaves, you can easily disconnect their calendar through the dashboard.

We are so excited to be releasing this new feature and hope that our clients find it helpful as they head into what is sure to be a busy fall term for so many. If you have any questions about this feature as a client, or if you’d like to learn more, contact support@accudemia.com.

Join us next time!
Engineerica Systems is pleased to present our Tech Tip segment recap for the Accudemia session on 7/20/2021. Held Tuesdays at 1 pm EST (weekly during the academic year, and monthly during the summer), Accudemia clients can join a session to learn about a quick, useful topic from one of our Support Specialists. Each week, we’ll follow up Tech Tip Tuesday with a blog recapping that week’s topic. Check the page about our Weekly Accudemia Session to find out more about our next session and for more ideas about helping our students achieve success!

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