Talking Accudemia: Customizing Your System


So you have done some research, you have probably watched a webinar and/or skimmed through some tutorial pages and finally decided that Accudemia is the right tool for your institution’s tracking needs.  Here at Engineerica, we are thrilled by that decision and we want to make your transition as smooth, quick, and as effective as possible.  So what comes next?



We are going to need to gather some information to put Accudemia to work for you:

  • Global Settings: This refers to several variables particular to your institution. These include your time zone, hours of operation, student ID characteristics, Centers, and/or classroom that will be using the system.
  • Information about your Centers and Classrooms: These are the places where you do your walk-ins and appointments sessions including tutoring, the Computer Lab, or your Student’s Success Center.  We will need the names and hours of operation of these centers.
  • Student information: We will need student enrollment data, which you typically export from your SIS system.
  • Services: What services will be offered at the different Centers?  Please describe the services and include whether it’s offered online.
  • Center Staff Information: We need to know who provides the different services at your center.  This information is needed for matching students to the right staff and services.
  • Type of Service: Will you be offering appointments besides the usual walk-in sessions?



Now that we have all the information we need to set the rules and restrictions in the System.  Such rules will govern what choices are available for which users and how users will interact among themselves and with each option in Accudemia.  We will need you to specify:

  • What user roles will each user have (Staff, Students, and Administrator)?
  • Users within a Role might need additional permissions such as a Tutor needing access to administrative tasks such as access to void Appointments. What are those extra requirements and who will get them?
  • How do you want to configure walk-ins? This includes how to administer each center services.  Also need to know whether to allow waiting lines as an intake method and how students and tutors sign in and perform a walk-in session.
  • How do you want to configure appointments?  This includes how to administer each center services and how students and tutors sign in and perform an appointment session.
  • What Centers will have access to offer appointments and how those appointments are made and followed up?



After this detailed study of your specific needs and your institution configuration the Engineerica team together with your institution IT personnel will be able to tailor Accudemia to your business needs.  This will allow for a very effective management of your services. and attendance tracking for your center.  Rest assured that we will be there from day 1 to make this process as smooth and productive as possible.

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