Installation and Login:
- Download the Conference Leads app.
- Once the app is downloaded, open it.
- Enter your Login credentials:
Domain: Given to you by Show Management
E-mail: Your e-mail address
Password: Created by Company Administrator - If you log in successfully, the app will download your conference data and will show a welcome screen. You should see your name and company on the welcome screen. You are now ready to start capturing leads!
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Capturing Leads:
- From the app’s welcome screen, tap the “Scan” button. The first time you do this your device will ask you to give the app access to the camera. Make sure to click “OK”
- To capture a lead’s contact information, aim your camera at the bardcode or QR code on the badge.
- When the barcode is read, the app will display a contact screen with known fields already filled in.
- If a desired field is missing or to edit a field, simply tap on it and type.
- You can scroll down to the bottom for an open text area. You can type any notes you’d like about this lead here.
- Tap “Next” and answer any custom qualifying questions created for your account.
- Tap “Save” on the upper right corner to save the contact info.
In Options you can email your captured leads to yourself, Sync the app to a cloud based secure server, logout of the device, and change your settings.
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IMPORTANT: If you do not have an Internet connection during the conference, you must sync the device when Internet connection is available immediately before and also after the conference. The sync prior to the conference will set up the app for scanning attendees, while the sync after the conference will transmit the captured scans to the server to enable you to view, export, or email the captured leads.
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Entering a Lead Manually:
Only used if the contact does not have a conference badge, this way you can still add the lead manually:
- From the app’s welcome screen, tap the “Manual” button.
- The app will display a contact screen with blank fields.
- Fill in name and desired contact info.