Gathering Student Feedback with Surveys


In this month’s Accudemia Tech Talk, Support Specialist Justin Veerasammy went over a great feature of Accudemia: Surveys! He went over how to set them up as well as a quick demonstration of a student taking a survey, and some of the available reports. You can watch the full presentation here or read on for a summary!

To create a new survey or edit an existing one, navigate to Administration> Surveys from the Accudemia main menu. If there are any existing surveys, you will be able to see their names as well as whether they are currently running or not. Hovering over any existing survey will provide several options, such as cloning the survey, stopping or starting it, previewing it, or deleting it.

To create a new survey, just click the “New Survey” button on the upper right of your screen. This will open a dialog box with several options:

  • Survey Name: We recommend using something that will make it easy for you to remember the purpose of the survey and will help others who may need access to this area to know what it’s for. This name will not be visible to students when they complete the survey; it will only show to administrators from the back end of Accudemia.
  • Displays to User: This indicates whether users should be prompted to take the survey only once, on a recurrent schedule, or whether users in a User Group should be the ones targeted via a manual send. If you choose recurring, then additional options will appear to allow you to set how often the survey should be triggered for each user, as well as start and end dates for the survey to run. You’ll also be able to indicate when email reminders should be sent out once the survey is triggered. The exact wording of these emails can be configured in the Email Templates section (Administration > Control Panel > Email Templates).
  • Survey Trigger: If the survey is sent automatically and not manually, this indicates what triggers the survey. Surveys can be triggered either when the student signs in or out at a kiosk, or when they log into Accudemia to do things like make appointments or check their session logs.
  • Sign-in Basis: This tells the survey how to determine who should see the survey (if it is triggered automatically). For example, you can ask that the survey be shown or sent to anyone who signs into a certain center. In another case this could be for a specific service or course, or to work with a specific tutor.
  • Show at: Indicates whether the survey should be shown when the student logs in (in their pending surveys section), during sign-in at a kiosk, or at sign-out.
  • Show to: This indicates which types of users will receive the survey. Most surveys are sent to students, but they can be set to send to Tutors or staff as well.

Once your survey options are configured, you’re ready to start adding your questions in the “Questionnaire” tab. You can have as many questions and pages of questions as you need, and questions can be open-text, multiple-choice, or single-choice. You can also add survey descriptions and instructions. Questions can be required or not required, and responses to multiple-choice questions can be weighted.

We recommend testing the survey after running it to make sure it shows up for the parameters you’ve specified.

There are several reports to help you see the results of your surveys, such as Survey Results and Session Logs with Surveys. You can view individual student responses, or you can pull a general report that shows a summary of responses, which keeps respondent names anonymous. It depends on your preference and what you need in terms of follow-up!

Thank you again to Justin for a great Tech Talk! Again, you can watch his full presentation here. If you are an Accudemia client who would like to implement surveys, or if you are interested in learning more about how Accudemia can help you collect student feedback and other important qualitative and quantitative info, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Clients can email and prospective clients can contact

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Engineerica Systems is pleased to present our Tech Tip segment recap for the Accudemia session on 5/9/2023. Held Tuesdays at 1 pm EST (weekly during the academic year, and monthly during the summer), Accudemia clients can join a session to learn about a quick, useful topic from one of our Support Specialists. Each week, we’ll follow up Tech Tip Tuesday with a blog recapping that week’s topic. Check the page about our Monthly Accudemia Session to find out more about our next session and for more ideas about helping our students achieve success!

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