Virtual Front Desks and Innovative Reporting from Jana Walker of Antelope Valley College


On January 18th, we welcomed Jana Walker from Antelope Valley College as our first featured speaker for our Accudemia User Guest segment during our Accudemia Weekly Session. Jana spoke to our audience about her center’s usage of Accudemia, particularly how they track their virtual sessions during the ongoing pandemic, and how they report on data. Click here to view Jana’s full segment, or read on for a summary.

Tracking Remote Sessions
Like many colleges, Antelope Valley faced an unprecedented event in 2020 when they suddenly had to bring many classes and services online which had never been virtual before. For their Learning Center, Jana explained, “a huge part of [students’] experience is interacting with the front desk.” They could certainly set up Zoom sessions for students and tutors, but their students were used to that front desk experience to triage services. To replicate that process, they created a virtual front counter using Zoom. This flows all students through the front desk employees who can connect them to the right resource, including tutors who are waiting in breakout rooms. The front desk assistant is then responsible for logging the students’ visits, and the tutors are empowered to edit logs and add comments or assessments as necessary.

Antelope Valley is fairly new to Accudemia, having switched from another Engineerica product, AccuSQL, early in the pandemic, to take advantage of the cloud-based functionality. Jana talked about how they have been slowly integrating Accudemia’s myriad features, and hope to implement more soon, such as the appointments system.

The other major topic Jana went over was how her center uses data from Accudemia. At the end of each term, Jana pulls the Accudemia attendance reports as usual and then feeds them into Antelope Valley’s Google Studio account. This creates a branded report that allows them to present data for accreditation and other official audiences. This also allows them to more easily answer business questions, such as, “What is the best time to schedule drop-in hours?” 

Reports like these also have the potential to save their center money, as they can compare it with data from other services they use, such as Net Tutor, to see if there are any additional hours or services they can offer that will entice students to use their in-house tutoring instead.


Click here to view the recording of Jana’s full segment. Jana is just one of many Accudemia users we’ll be highlighting during our Accudemia weekly sessions this year. Stop by every Tuesday at 1 pm EST to hear more about how other schools are using Accudemia to manage their student services or keep an eye on this blog! On Tuesday, January 25th, we will hear from Marie Bernard of Southeastern Louisiana University.

Join us next time
Engineerica Systems is pleased to present our Accudemia User Spotlight segment recap for 1/18/2022. Held Tuesdays at 1 pm EST (weekly during the academic year, and monthly during the summer), Accudemia clients can join a session to learn about a quick, useful topic from one of our Support Specialists.  We hope that these examples help you to ponder how you might utilize Accudemia and other innovations in your own center. Check the page about our Monthly Accudemia Session to find out more about our next session and for more ideas about helping our students achieve success!

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