Leveraging the Landing Page at Carroll University


Some folks from Carroll University, including Allison Grabowski, Mikayla Castro Joelle Curry, and Lisa Degen, came to our latest Accudemia Monthly Session to talk about how they leverage the landing page in Accudemia and other tools alongside Accudemia to improve the student experience in their center. Located about thirty miles from Milwaukee, Carroll University is a small university with a focus on health sciences. The Learning Commons, which uses Accudemia, offers study space, group tutoring, and math and writing assistance. Read on for a summary of the ways in which Carroll leverages Accudemia, or watch their full presentation for more details.

After switching from AccuSQL to Accudemia in 2020, the Learning Commons at Carroll University was able to move their services online and provide all of their service and schedule information in one place, which had already been a goal before the pandemic. They have found using several tools and systems alongside Accudemia has helped make their services and Accudemia more efficient and accessible for their students.

For example, they have generated a QR code that when scanned, takes students to the sign-in page for Accudemia, and another code that students can scan to take a survey about how their session went. These codes are displayed throughout the center and were generated for free using http://the-qrcode-generator.com.

On the Accudemia landing page, which can be configured by going to Administration > Control Panel > Announcements, they have included links to schedules (in Google calendars) for drop-in tutoring and Supplemental Instruction. This allows students to easily see when they can receive assistance for the courses they are taking. 

The homepage also links directly to schedules by many courses, so that they don’t have to search the main schedule calendar. The calendars also specify if the tutoring shifts are virtual or in-person, with virtual shifts linking directly to the Teams call students can connect to. The full Learning Commons calendar is also embedded directly into the homepage, which can show special hours and other department-wide events that students should be aware of.

There’s also a link to a form that students can fill out for various reasons, such as requesting assistance in courses where the drop-in times don’t work for them, or when they want to set up a personalized workshop to meet their learning skills needs.Thank you to the team at Carroll University’s Learning Commons for sharing the unique ways they make their services more easily accessible through Accudemia. We hope this inspires other users and helps you see the benefits of this center management solution. Again, if you would like to view the full presentation, you can do so here.

Join us next time!
Engineerica Systems is pleased to present our Accudemia User Spotlight segment recap for 11/8/2022. Held Tuesdays at 1 pm EST (weekly during the academic year, and monthly during the summer), Accudemia clients can join a session to learn about a quick, useful topic from one of our Support Specialists.  We hope that these examples help you to ponder how you might utilize Accudemia and other innovations in your own center. Check the page about our Monthly Accudemia Session to find out more about our next session and for more ideas about helping our students achieve success!

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