Conference Tracker

Conference Badges and Check-in Solutions

We know there are common issues of conference badges so we are here to offer a simple solution. Conference badges are great for networking, being able to quickly look and gather attendees’ name, title, company, institution, and organization makes your attendees more approachable. Also, being able to differentiate between attendee, presenter, and exhibitor is always great, and for a lot of conferences and events your badge is your ticket into sessions or events.

Different event badge options that most of you are probably familiar with would be the manual option which is typically Microsoft Word doing a mail merge. Now this option is typically time consuming and it’s also difficult to design a professional conference badge. It’s also difficult to generate a QR code if you are looking to track continued education, replace meal tickets, or offer an exhibitor lead retrieval system. There are also Kinkos or Staples that can print your conference badges. The issue with this third-party option is that it is actually very expensive, especially if you want to print color or multiple colors. It can be difficult to correct mistakes, do on‑site badges, or last minute printing for late registrations.

Generating & Printing Conference Badges System

The solution to these tedious options is an easy and efficient way to design and print conference badges quickly. With Conference Tracker you can print on‑site for late registrations and even lost badges, replace meal tickets by scanning a QR code, and offer services such as continuing education or lead retrieval by adding a QR code.  A totally cloud base conference management tool that offers simple badge design generation, online attendee and exhibitor registration management, automatic continuing education calculation by scanning badges into sessions using an Apple device, certificate design and generation, a lead retrieval system, and even an attendee app.attendee engagement app

Let’s discuss how contractor solves the common issues with generating and printing conference badges. First, sign into the Conference Tracker website. Here is where you can get your attendees into conference tracker, rather than doing a mail merge or putting every attendee on a flash drive, taking it to Kinkos, and uploading it at a third party website. You can simply import your attendees into Conference Tracker and print out their badge after you design it. They also have the option to do our online registration.  We do have an event registration form that will allow your attendees to go online and register for your conference and there you will have payment options as well.

Conference Badge Design

With Conference Tracker, you have the ability to design your conference badge through a variety of templates. You could choose a blank one and make it your own or you could use one of the other ones that have a little bit more design to them. You have the option to design the badges of presenters and exhibitors differently so it makes it even easier to network by being able to differentiate who an attendee vs. presenters and exhibitors are.

Learn More about our Conference Management System

The most popular badge is going to be the 3 X 4 which is an Avery template. It’s actually one of the cheapest options as well. Just by doing a quick Amazon search you will see that you can actually get 300 badges for under 13 dollars. In designing this badge, or any, you have the ability to add title, company, first and/or last name, conference name, as well as images and logos.

When you go to print the conference badges, you can generate all of them at once. Now some of the issues you might have with using a third party option, is that you might be waiting until registration is over to print these badges, which in some cases could be the day or week before. With our conference badge printing system giving you the ability to print the badges yourself, you could print out badges ahead of time, get them stuffed in their badge holders, getting them ready to go, and then as more registrations come in you can continue to print them.

Retrieval App Features

A QR code serves many purposes. If you want to do continuing education, you can scan the attendees’ event badge to sign into sessions or just to the event, you can also replace a ticket; same thing goes for meal tickets. If you have an issue where the attendee loses their meal ticket, forgot it or whatever the case, you could actually replace it by registering the attendee to the session and scanning their badge. The Apple device will then let you know if they are registered and allow them to come to that session, lunch or dinner.  It also serves as a lead retrieval system for exhibitors because they can scan the attendees badge and grab their common contact information the same way they would a business card, except they won’t lose it!

When Attendees Lose Their Badge

Now I don’t know if any of you ever get the causal attendee who loses their badge but we do have a simple solution for that as well. You have the ability to print all badges at once but you also have the ability to generate one badge at a time.  All you need to do is find your attendee, generate their badges and if you have a printer on‑site, you just print out the conference badges, hand it to them, and they are ready to go to their sessions.

For those that have on‑site registration, this also can be a major issue when you are using one of the other options, manual or something like Staples, because if you have attendees that are coming and registering on‑site, you need a way to print out their badges right then and there. Now there’s multiple ways you can do it but with our system, all you have to do is create a new attendee.  At the registration booth you will most likely have your laptop computer and a printer so you will just quickly add the attendee by putting in their information; first name, last name, title, company whatever information you’d like.  The conference tracker will also assigns an ID number which creates that QR code if you want to do a continue education or capture leads through the retrieval app.  From here you can save and print conference badges. So right on‑site you are able to add the attendee to the system, print out their badge with the QR code without having to use any other type of templates or anything else, it’s a quick and easy process.

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