Conference Tracker

Conference Tracker Tip: Conference Cleanup and Review

This guide will help Admins work through the process of cleaning up their conference data collected using helpful Conference Tracker tools.

Viewing the logs

Now that your conference is over, it’s time to check the attendance data collected by your device Operators at the Workshops. To get started click on View/Edit Logs section under the Attendance heading from the Conference Tracker home screen:

You will notice a symbol appearing before each log. A green check-mark indicates the record is Valid but an orange triangle icon indicates the record has an issue that will be indicated with one of 4 statuses stated under the record:

  1. Invalid – This error occurs if there are illogical swipes (2 sign-ins in a row, a sign-out before a sign-in, etc.)
  2. Not Signed-In – This error occurs if there is a sign-in swipe for an attendee but no sign-in swipe.
  3. Not Signed-Out – This error occurs if there is a sign-out swipe for an attendee but no sign-in swipe.
  4. Duration is less than Minimum – This simply means that the Attendee did not stay in the Workshop long enough to get credit.

How many bad logs do I have?

This can be seen easily by using the Filter Logs button at the top of the Attendance Logs screen. Once you click the Filter Logs button you’ll be given all of these statuses in the form of buttons. Simply click the Invalid button to now see a list of all the Invalid logs, click the Not Signed-In button to see a list of all the Not Signed-In logs, click the Not Signed-Out button to see a list of all the Not Signed-Out logs, etc.

Resolving Swipes

This area can be accessed through the Fix Swipes button at the top of the Attendance Logs screen. The purpose of this Resolve Swipes section is to see what swipes are missing information and therefore not being added to the actual Attendance Logs. These swipes could be missing the Attendee’s Name or they were scanned into a room where no workshops were happening.

Resolving Swipes with Unknown Workshop

  1. Once you are here click the Resolve button next to the “Swipes with an Unknown Workshop” title.
  2. Here we will see a list of all the swipes that have an Attendee associated with it but no workshop.
  3. Notice you can now resolve the swipes by clicking in the search box on the right of the swipe log.

Resolving Swipes with Unknown Attendee

  1. Once you are here click the Resolve button next to the “Swipes with an Unknown Attendee” title.
  2. Here we will see a list of all the swipes that have a Workshop associated with it but no attendee (but it may have operator comments of their name or card number that the device did not recognize).
  3. Notice you can now resolve the swipes by clicking in the search box on the right of the swipe log.

Fixing Logs (in bulk)

This area is used to fix the most common problems that could occur during the course of a conference. These items could be that an operator had to leave and missed Attendee’s sign-outs, maybe the Apple device ran out of battery at the beginning of the next day because it was never charged, etc. And in this guide we would like to explain how you can easily resolve these unexpected issues that arose during the conference. This section attempts to fix all logs that meet a given circumstance.

From the Attendance Logs screen click the Fix Logs button at the top of the page and you’ll see this screen which allows you to fix the most common issues with swipes recorded at your conference:

As you can see there are a lot of options for correcting the logs of many Attendees at once. These options can be used individually or virtually unlimited combinations to get your desired results. Here is a brief overview of what each option does:

  • Remove swipes before the session started – This will remove any swipes before the start time of the workshop(s) specified.
  • Remove swipes after the session ended – This will remove any swipes after the end time of the workshop(s) specified.
  • Create swipe at the beginning of the session – This will create a swipe IN exactly at the start time of the workshop(s) specified.
  • Create swipe at the end of the session – This will create a swipe OUT exactly at the end time of the workshop(s) specified.
  • Change all swipes close to the start to be a sign-ins (in a 10′ frame) – This will change/modify all swipes up to 10 minutes before the start time of the workshop(s) specified to be a swipe IN.
  • Change all swipes close to the end to be a sign-outs (in a 10′ frame) – This will change/modify all swipes up to 10 minutes after the end time of the workshop(s) specified to be a swipe OUT.

These options above can be applied to all logs that match a specific error status (Invalid, Not Signed-Out, etc.) by leaving the Workshop field blank in the Select Logs to Apply section. Or they applied to a specific Workshop that had an issue during the conference by typing in that specific Workshop‘s name in the Workshop field in the Select Logs to Apply section.

1. Fixing “Not Signed In” errors

This error occurs if there is a sign-out swipe for an attendee but no sign-in swipe. This is caused if the attendee did not sign in for some reason. One solution to this problem is to add a sign-in swipe at the start of the session for the attendee. This is appropriate for example if the Operator was late to the session and did not collect the sign-in swipes. To add a sign-in swipe for follow this procedure:

  1. First, check the checkbox for Create swipe at the beginning of the session in the options at the top of the Fix Logs screen.
  2. Next, specify the workshop this Operator was late for and did not collect the Sign-ins in the Workshop field under the Select Logs to Apply section.
  3. Now set the type of Status the logs currently have to apply the changes to. In this case all these Attendees would appear with the Not Signed-in status so select that option in the drop-down Status box.

2. Fixing “Not Signed Out” errors

This error occurs if there is a sign-in swipe for an attendee but no sign-out swipe. This is caused if the attendee did not sign out for some reason. One solution to this problem is to add a sign-out swipe at the end of the session for the attendee. This is appropriate for example if attendees were not swiped out at the end of the session because the Apple device’s battery died. To correct this issue and add a sign-out swipes simply follow this procedure:

  1. First, check the checkbox for Create swipe at the end of the session in the options at the top of the Fix Logs screen.
  2. Next, specify the workshop that was supposed to be scanned before this devices battery died and you were unable to collect the Sign-outs in the Workshop field under the Select Logs to Apply section.
  3. Now set the type of Status the logs currently have to apply the changes to. In this case all these Attendees would appear with the Not Signed-Out status so select that option in the drop-down Status box.

3. Fixing “Stayed less than required period” error

This error occurs if the sign-in period is less than the minimum period required that you set up in the Settings section of the Conference Tracker software or the Required Presence percentage you set for a specific Workshop. The reason may be that there was a specific Workshop that the Operator forgot to scan the Attendees in at the beginning of the session but realized and scanned them in halfway through the Workshop.

  1. First, check the check-boxes for Create swipe at the beginning of the session and Create swipe at the end of the session in the options at the top of the Fix Logs screen.
  2. Next, specify the workshop that had this issue and you were unable to collect the Sign-ins and Sign-outs at the appropriate start/end times in the Workshop field under the Select Logs to Apply section.
  3. Now set the type of Status the logs currently have to apply the changes to. In this case all these Attendees would appear with the Duration Less than Minimum status so select that option in the drop-down Status box.

4. Fixing “Invalid” swipes

This error occurs if there is something illogical about the Attendees Sign-in log. This could be multiple sign-in swipes in a row, multiple sign-out swipes in a row, a sign-out before a sign-in swipe. Typically this is caused by the Operator letting Attendees swipe multiple times when signing in/out or if they forget to change the in/out arrow for the next workshop they are scanning and Attendees get scanned out before getting signed into the session. There can be multiple solutions to this problem. Rather than explain the exact steps I could take to resolve these I will explain some options to do in certain known cases.

  • Multiple Sign-ins
    1. Check the box to Remove swipes before the session started, Create swipe at the beginning of the session, and Change all swipes close to the start to be a sign-ins (in a 10′ frame).
    2. Next, specify the workshop that the “Multiple Sign-ins” occurred on in the Workshop field under the Select Logs to Apply section. Note: This can be left blank to resolve all logs like this at once.
    3. Now set the type of Status the logs currently have to apply the changes to. In this case all these Attendees would appear with the Invalid status so select that option in the drop-down Status box.

Typically after all of these swipes and logs have been adjusted I will go to the Attendance Logs screen and use the Filter Logs button and click each of the available statuses (Invalid, Not Signed-In, Not Signed-Out, and Duration is Less than Minimum) buttons just to make sure they are either all resolved or most of the major corrections have been made. At this point if the Attendance Logs look good to you in the Conference Tracker software then we are ready to start exporting the data!

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