
Case Study Oral Roberts – Dr. Carolyn Stubbs

Program for Academic Vision & Empowerment (PAVE) at Oral Roberts University

PAVE uses Accudemia for:

  • Student visit tracking
  • Online appointment scheduling
  • Traffic analysis and attendance reporting
  • Virtual tutoring

Accudemia helps with these challenges:

  • Keeping accurate attendance records
  • Creating attendance reports
  • Providing support to students when they are physically unable to attend study hall
  • Monitoring tutors and center activities when they are unable to be in the center physically

PAVE measures success based on the academic performance of students in their individual courses. The following data is collected:

  • Final grades earned in courses
  • The amount of time spent in PAVE Study Hall
  • The amount of time spent on a specific course

“Accudemia has helped significantly with increasing accessibility to tutors in PAVE Study Hall,” stated Carolyn Stubbs, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education. “It has also provided a way to more conveniently schedule appointments with students and provide more accurate attendance reports.”

Reports that are retrieved in AccuCampus help PAVE to demonstrate the usage of their Study Hall to university leadership.

“Accudemia made managing my center, event at a distance, easier and uncomplicated. It allowed for better reporting of center activities,” said Dr. Stubbs.

The COVID-19 pandemic proved less challenging as Accudemia provided a means by which students could connect with tutors virtually. Since students were not visiting the center physically, Accudemia became the only means of tracking attendance and the courses for which students were requesting assistance. Accudemia provided the administrator of the PAVE Study Hall a way to track tutor attendance and responsiveness to students.

Dr. Stubbs said, “Accudemia is a great tool that makes managing a center easier. It helps with promoting accountability among tutors and students.”

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