
AccuCampus vs Accudemia

Wondering what benefits AccuCampus offers over Accudemia?  Here is the answer:

While Accudemia was designed as an academic center management software, AccuCampus was designed as an institution-wide system that allows the different academic services entities to collaborate.  AccuCampus engages your staff, other centers’ staff, your students, and even faculty!  All of these resources are united under one goal: Providing the best possible service to students to help them succeed and thrive.

AccuCampus offers the same capabilities as Accudemia but does it better.  For example, the following Accudemia capabilities exist in AccuCampus:

  • Student visits tracking.
  • Online appointment scheduling.
  • Real-time management of waiting lines/intake system.
  • Traffic analysis and visits reports.
  • Import/export tools to easily integrate it with student management systems.
  • Ability to keep notes on sessions.
  • A cloud-based system that can be accessed from anywhere at any time.
  • Ability to advertise campus student resources to students
  • Ability to track event attendance
  • Ability to track loaned materials
  • Student App

In addition to the above, AccuCampus offers the following unique features:

Ability to refer a student to another academic center:  For example, the advising center can refer a student to the tutoring center.  The tutoring center will know about the referral via AccuCampus, and the advising center will know when the student visits the tutoring center.  This tracking facilitates better follow-up of students who need close attention.

Ability to control which services a group of students can access at your center:  For example, new students could be marked to only have access to New Student Advising.

Ability to build a private student profile: Each center can build its student profile information:  You also decide who can access this profile.  This is handy in protecting sensitive student data.  For example, the Disability Office can hide information about the student’s disability and make it only viewable by certain staff members at the Disability Office.

Ability to set up a student-centered Action Plan:  After meeting with a student, you can assign them a success action plan and monitor their progress.  For example, if the action plan includes a visit to the health center, you will be notified when this item is completed.  The student will also be able to view their action plan and progress towards its completion.  This feature is useful for increasing student retention.

Ability to track class attendance: AccuCampus has an excellent class attendance system built into it.  This system is available to faculty members who track student attendance.  The system also offers the ability to report on absences.  This enables your retention services to quickly identify at-risk students.

Ability to get feedback on student resources: AccuCampus offers a cool rating system that allows students to quickly rate the resources they use.  This could be the academic center or even a staff member.  These ratings will help you improve your services, and you can even make them public to encourage other students to use them.

Automatic Action Engine: With AccuCampus you can automate certain responses to student actions.  For example, the system can automatically send an email message to students upon their first visit to your center!  You can also tag students who perform certain actions for later processing.  The possibilities are endless.

Ability to use one sign-in computer for multiple centers or areas: AccuCampus gives you amazing control over how a sign-in computer behaves.  Not only can you customize the services displayed per student or type of student, but you can also use the same sign-in station to service several areas at the same location.

Excellent implementation support: AccuCampus is a powerful system and we want you to take full advantage of its capabilities.  This is why we have allocated a team of AccuCampus experts with extensive academic center work experience to help you implement the system.  Your assigned consultant will be with you all the way to help you set up and use AccuCampus.

And much more!

Of course, the best way to learn about AccuCampus is to see it.  Contact us for a complimentary online walk-through.  We also offer a complimentary semester-long pilot of AccuCampus with full support.  We can’t wait to show it to you.

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