AccuSQL 2017 & AccuTrack 2017 Ready for Release

Engineerica Systems, Inc. is proud to present version 2017 of its award-winning AccuSQL and AccuTrack software for official release. For AccuSQL 2017, we spent a good deal of time working on modules that allow tutors, advisors, or other staff to create their appointment schedules through AccuSQL or the Web Gateway MVC module. After schedules are submitted, AccuSQL system administrators can review course coverage, modify the submitted schedules as needed, and then approve them. Once approved, they can then broadcast the schedule to all members via email.  Tutors/advisors/staff further can set particular blocks of time as preferred blocks when they are building their schedules.

If staff are using custom schedules, they can create override schedules that sit on top of the regular semester schedules. These custom schedules can be entered either from the Tutor Pad or via Web Gateway MVC.

Other improvements and enhancements include a new student portal called Campus Roost that enables students to share ideas, post messages, and exchange information, local lab support for appointment reminders and no-show notifications, the ability to copy seminars, new media renewal capability, and several improvements to how data is filtered in and displayed in numerous user screens, among many others.

To learn more about the enhancements and additions to AccuTrack/AccuSQL.

We look forward to assisting our current Platinum Support Plan customers with this exciting upgrade. As always, customers who have an active platinum support plan for AccuTrack/AccuSQL are eligible for this upgrade to the 2017 version at no additional cost. This includes upgrades to any AccuTrack/AccuSQL module that also has a current Platinum Support Plan coverage. To request the AccuTrack/AccuSQL upgrade, please fill out the AccuSQL 2017 Upgrade Request form at Our support technicians will begin fulfilling upgrade requests starting in the next few days on a first-come, first-served basis.

For those unfamiliar with our AccuSQL add-on modules, each module is a powerful student tracking tool and is available at a nominal cost or included at no cost if you are an AccuSQL subscription member. Please contact us at or call 888-249-7227 to obtain the pricing details or to check your current license type.

Thank you,

The Engineerica team

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